
Saturday, 17 November 2012

Vestas Sailrocket 2 update, New world record for 500metre course set (awaiting ratification)

Paul Larsen and the Vestas Sailrocket2 team have set a new world record for sailing speed over a 500m course and eclipsed the world records set by kiteboarders and windsurfers comfortably.
for reference here is a link to the ratified WSSRC records page for the 500 metre record:
From Paul Larsen's blog:
Super sonic.... Smashed it!!!
The title says it all. It's just soaking in now... with the Champagne.
Calling friends, team members... all are family tonight.

I'm sitting here with great French champagne all around and smiling people. VESTAS Sailrocket 2 sits outside on the lawn shivering lightly in the decreasing breeze. She has the noble composure of a race winning horse that struts around wondering what all the fuss is about.

We are downloading the TRIMBLE data now. The great thing is that the GPS we use out there is set for a 18 second average... but at 59 knots we might not need that long. It said we did a 59.01 knot average... The TRIMBLE should be higher. I will let you know here when I know.

I think I'll drink some more Pol Roger... and wait.

Read more here


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