
Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Vestas Sailrocket 2 update, video of the latest and fastest run where they touched on 61 knots

Repost from Paul Larsen's blog

Tue, 13 Nov 12 20:31

Hi all, busy day today sorting out everything from yesterdays madness. Great to wake up in the middle of the night realising it's not a dream. The next potential forecast is for Friday/saturday. After looking at all of yesterdays data I know we can smash this.

Peak speed 61.92 knots.
500 meter average 54.08 knots
5 second average 59.08 knots.

It's funny now to see that speeds of 52 and 53 knots are dragging down your average.
It's a new ball game now. Let's hope that mother nature comes to it.
Full report tomorrow... meanwhile here's the vid. Nice work Ben.

Boom, the 60 knot + run


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