
Wednesday, 30 January 2013

America's Cup Update, Team Oracle get ready to relaunch their AC72 catamaran

From the following sail-world article:

America's Cup defender, Oracle Team USA is scheduled to relaunch its first AC72 catamaran, next week.

Following months of repair work and delivery and assembly of the second wing, the boat is nearing completion and is on track to be sailing in the San Francisco Bay, again. Following the launch it is expected the AC72 will undergo the usual towing trial, before the wingsail is stepped and USA-17 sails once again.

'After the capsize, the team set the first week of February as the target date to get back on the water,' said General Manager Grant Simmer. 'A lot had to come together for that to happen, and it’s a great achievement to be right on schedule. Everyone really worked hard and put in long hours to meet that goal.'

read more here

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