
Sunday, 27 October 2013

34th America's Cup news, Dirk de Ridder not penalised further by Dutch national sailing body over unapproved AC45 modifications

From the following article by Richard Gladwell submitted to Sail-World:

Unofficial sources are reporting that the Dutch national sailing authority has decided not to take any further action against Dirk de Ridder (NED) following an adverse report by the International Jury during the 34th America's Cup.

The Appeals body (the Zeilraad) established by the de Ridder's national authority to hear such matters, is reported as stating in its conclusion: 'further considered that being excluded from further participation in any role in the 34 America’s Cup for a gross breach of a rule and of good sportsmanship, combined with the world wide publicity on TV/radio, Internet and newspapers, is by itself, a severe penalty.

'Having considered all evidence the Zeilraad finds that it is not appropriate to impose an additional penalty.

read more here

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