
Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Update from Team Vodafone Sailing on their upcoming race with Team Australia

From Team Vodafone Sailing's facebook page:

I have just spoken to the race officer and here is the course and info,
* We will use Te Kouma or Pembles Bay to start the race. The start will be between the boat and a Blue Inflatable start mark off the break water

* Start sequence will be a normal fleet racing start sequence with the Warning Signal at 1555.

* Course:

* All marks taken to starboard

Start - McKenzie, taken to Starboard - Northern Leading Starboard - Orakei Starboard - ODM Starboard - Chelsea Starboard -Torpedo Bay Starboard - Orakei Starboard - Finish between the Westhaven Tower and the ODM

Normal Racing rules apply not match racing rules. i.e. Col Regs prior to 5 minute gun

There will be an on the water umpire for instant decisions- Penalties will be one turn

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