
Friday, 17 January 2014

Prince de Bretagne Maxi 80, Lionel Lemonchois makes final preparations to leave on record route "The Mauritian"

An update on the "Mauritian" record attempt looks like they will be leaving tomorrow.  Looking on the web It appears the record is held by Francis Joyon at ~26 days (doesn't seem to be a WSSRC ratified record though).

From the Prince de Bretagne Maxi 80 FB page (in French).

and the rough bing translate:

It refines a little...
"We are almost 100% to go sure. In fact, we see the window state for five days, there should not be any surprise by tomorrow, if not on the exact timing of the departure" stated Normandy skipper.
So, it should leave its Lorient base pontoon around 9:30 to cut the line before 11 a.m. South of the tip of Gâvres.
The Lorient (and others!), come and encourage him to BSM before going off to work

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