
Friday, 14 February 2014

Weta trimaran cruising in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand

From the following Sail-World article submitted by Geoff Durham:

Geoff Durham, a keen Weta owner from Auckland, New Zealand talks about his last minute Weta cruise to Moturoa Island in the Hauraki Gulf last weekend:

Searching for a camping destination to sail to last week we settled on Motuora Island (6km east of Mahaurangi Harbour) and little did Lotte or I realize what a wonderful weekend our selected destination would provide!

We have a large hatch on our Weta which enabled us to carry a lot of gear - as you can see from the photo. We included my reconfigured canoe cart which I use for putting the boat on the beach without a trailer. It isn't easy in soft sand and steep beaches (of course!) but, if if the boat is lifted from the bow whilst the other person lifts/pushes from one of the rear float arms, good momentum can be achieved. Of course if there are a couple of Wetas with a total of more than 2 adults the boats can be easily lifted and moved.

On Saturday morning we launched from Red Beach, Whangaparoa (approx 13km south-west of Motuora) and sailed to the island on a sunny day with an 18knot following wind whilst admiring the wonderful scenery.

read more here

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