
Friday, 25 April 2014

Multi50 update, FenetreA Cardinal and Actual relaunched after winter refit, Maitre Jacques receiving new floats

The FenetreA Cardinal team have relaunched their Multi50 as a cost saving move they shared refit space with Team Actual in Hennebont who have also relauched earlier this week. 

You can follow the FenetreA Cardinal team on their Facebook page:


In other Multi50 news the trimaran Maitre Jacques is to receive new floats.  The damage that occurred to the starboard float in the 2013 Transat Jacques Vabre convinced the team that it was best to replace both rather than attempt a repair.  As a bonus the new floats should boost Maitre Jacques performance and make the top end of the Multi50 field even more competitive.  They hope to have the boat ready to launch by the 29th of May.

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