
Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Lionel Lemonchois takes Prince de Bretagne Maxi 80 trimaran on qualification run for the Route du Rhum

From the following article (in French) on the Prince de Bretagne Maxi80 website:

and the rough bing translate is below:

Lionel is preparing to make the 1000 miles of course required for its qualification to the Route du Rhum. Because, if he had widely traveled that distance during his record attempt of the Mauritian at the beginning of the year, the boat has since, underwent some changes. He notably welcomed a new mast and the skipper wanted to do things in the rules of the art.

"Ca is part of the regulation and it is perfect for my preparation. Four days at sea, solo, to work to the best boat, it was some time it pleased me, I'm happy to leave. This is the real recovery! I'll first do 400 miles to the West to reach a first Waypoint, then take due north to go turn the Fastnet before descending on Saint - Quay Portrieux. I have an appointment with producers Prince of Brittany for the multi50 trophy and the feast of the Coco de Paimpol ", explains Lionel."

Weather, conditions will be fairly quiet to start (15-20 knots) and increase a little bit on the second half of the course (20-25 knots). "I will evolve to the close the first two days, then it's downwind in a nice wind." Since the Mauritian, this is my first solo release, I can practice maneuvers, but also on the "side": routing, shipments of photos..."

Arrival in Saint-Quay Portrieux around Thursday noon.

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