A snippet from the Round the Island Race (UK) facebook page. Sir Ben Ainslie and the JP Morgan BAR AC45 to be at the London boat show on 8th of January.
London Boat Show, Excel Wed 8th January 2014. Join us for an exclusive Q&A session with the one & only Sir Ben Ainslie and see his AC45 JP Morgan BAR.
Trimaran project is intended to showcase multihull news with a focus on racing, build projects, launchings, interesting ideas past and present and also updates on my own trimaran projects. Lots of content and updates to come so keep checking back.
Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Sodebo maxi trimaran, Thomas Coville waits out another storm at the dock in Brest with no weather window for departure on solo round the world attempt in sight
From the following press release (in French) on the 30/12/2013
and the rough bing translate is below:
The grind of the depressions
Mechanics appears well-oiled. At the rate of a passage from front every 24 to 36 hours, the West and the Bay of Biscay only décolèrent in this holiday season. Too windy, too much sea and the lulls too short to unberth the vessel, current weather conditions put to the test the sailors, nailed dockside.
More ready that never set off on his round the world record, Thomas Coville spent last night in Brest. He wrote: "I'm aboard Sodebo to watch over this new depression going on pointe Bretagne. Strange feeling than that of being landed but also glad to spend a few hours only. Beautiful holidays to all. " The strongest wind is passed at the time of low tide, the trimaran was therefore well sheltered behind the dike.
The next storm is announced on the first day of the year 2014 with, again, more than 40 knots of wind in Brest Harbour. "We have no window of departure in sight these days," says the router Jean-Luc Nélias after its daily analysis of the weather files. "We are in a very active low-pressure system with disturbances that occur rapidly in the West of Europe. It is a normal situation for the season: Southwest wind alternates with each passage of front Northwest. We could go with Northwest but, on the one hand, it is still much too strong - between 35 and 40 knots - and, on the other hand, the sequence is too short to have time to leave the Bay of Biscay before it passes back Southwest. Thomas should therefore draw the edges along the Portugal slowing down much. There's also hellish conditions on the departure area which is in the midst of the stones at Ouessant and where the sea average is 5 metres for several days. And finally, more to the South, the Azores high extends cyclically to Gibraltar and regularly bar the road to the trade winds. We continue to seek a mouse hole to pass but, for now, it is a 'weather Yarrow' from the North to the South which is not conducive to a speed record. ‘’
Windows and even flaps will be therefore closed double turn for Eve until the elements take wise resolutions for the new year!
and the rough bing translate is below:
The grind of the depressions
Mechanics appears well-oiled. At the rate of a passage from front every 24 to 36 hours, the West and the Bay of Biscay only décolèrent in this holiday season. Too windy, too much sea and the lulls too short to unberth the vessel, current weather conditions put to the test the sailors, nailed dockside.
More ready that never set off on his round the world record, Thomas Coville spent last night in Brest. He wrote: "I'm aboard Sodebo to watch over this new depression going on pointe Bretagne. Strange feeling than that of being landed but also glad to spend a few hours only. Beautiful holidays to all. " The strongest wind is passed at the time of low tide, the trimaran was therefore well sheltered behind the dike.
The next storm is announced on the first day of the year 2014 with, again, more than 40 knots of wind in Brest Harbour. "We have no window of departure in sight these days," says the router Jean-Luc Nélias after its daily analysis of the weather files. "We are in a very active low-pressure system with disturbances that occur rapidly in the West of Europe. It is a normal situation for the season: Southwest wind alternates with each passage of front Northwest. We could go with Northwest but, on the one hand, it is still much too strong - between 35 and 40 knots - and, on the other hand, the sequence is too short to have time to leave the Bay of Biscay before it passes back Southwest. Thomas should therefore draw the edges along the Portugal slowing down much. There's also hellish conditions on the departure area which is in the midst of the stones at Ouessant and where the sea average is 5 metres for several days. And finally, more to the South, the Azores high extends cyclically to Gibraltar and regularly bar the road to the trade winds. We continue to seek a mouse hole to pass but, for now, it is a 'weather Yarrow' from the North to the South which is not conducive to a speed record. ‘’
Windows and even flaps will be therefore closed double turn for Eve until the elements take wise resolutions for the new year!
Sunday, 29 December 2013
Video from Stephen Walker of Ahoy Boats showing delivery of Catri24 hydrofoil trimaran from Latvia to England
And the description from the video is below:
Sailing a fast hydrofoil trimaran is easy if it is designed well, like this CATRI. Checkout http://ahoy-boats.net/why-trimarans-a... to learn more about Why Trimarans are so FAST and why they are more practical than hydrofoiling catamarans. In 2005 Steve Walker, founder of Ahoy-Boats, http://www.ahoy-boats.co.uk, delivered TARDIS, so named because she was amazingly spacious inside (5 berths!) and she looked like a space ship from the future, all the way from Ventspils in Latvia to England via, Gotland, through a full gale to Öland, onto the beautiful island of Hanö, then through fog to Ystad (home of fictional character Wallander), the tiny fishing port of Skåre hamn in Sweden on mid-summer's eve, then to Gedser in Denmark, Kiel, (during Kiel week), through the canal to Brunsbüttel and down the Elbe to Cuxhaven in Germany, then along the Friesland coast to Nordeney, Vlieland, (see blog entries for June 2005 here: http://www.ahoy-boats.info/archives/s...) then the island of Texel, the seaside resort of Scheveningen in the Netherlands whereafter another gale was encountered and shelter sought at Stellendam before the final two legs to Ostend and across the English Channel to Dover (see blog entries for July 2005 here: http://www.ahoy-boats.info/archives/s...). In 2014 you will again be able to buy a CATRI hydrofoiling trimaran! However, this time is will be 100% instead of 90% foiling and will be available as a 25ft or 28ft boat. The CATRI foiling trimaran concept is much safer than the crazy America's Cup AC72 catamarans, which were not designed for real sailors who go to sea but for publicity. The new CATRI trimarans will be available with automatic sheet release systems so as to prevent capsize and the foils support the boat in such a way as to prevent pitchpole,http://www.ahoy-boats.info/Safety-Sta..., rather than to cause it. Afterwards TARDIS was anchored overnight at Dungeness, sailed past the Seven Sisters and Brighton to Littlehampton and thence through the Solent & past Bournemouth to Poole for the Goathorn Regatta. She is now in the USA near Chesapeake Bay.
Saturday, 28 December 2013
New 32' proa plan from Paul Bieker approaching completion
From Paul Bieker's blog:
It has been a long gestation process, but we have finally finished the majority of the design and lofting work for the Jester class proa. Attached is the Sailplan and Arrangements for the boat. We also have the construction drawings for the Hull, Ama and Beams completed. The foil and composite part drawings will be done soon.
to see the Sailplan and arrangement pictures go here
It has been a long gestation process, but we have finally finished the majority of the design and lofting work for the Jester class proa. Attached is the Sailplan and Arrangements for the boat. We also have the construction drawings for the Hull, Ama and Beams completed. The foil and composite part drawings will be done soon.
to see the Sailplan and arrangement pictures go here
New outrigger design 15' CLC outrgger junior, description and gallery of photos
From the following article on clcboats.com by John Harris
This didn't work out how it was supposed to. The big idea was that this compact and easy-to-build multihull would slip in on the heels of Madness-the-proa, capitalizing on the torrent of interest the big proa generated. The idea was good; for example, sales of our trimaran-conversion rig quadrupled during the Madness media cycle. But we got busy enough that the "mini-Madness" project moved along like molasses running uphill in January, and is only just now ready for sea trials.
This outrigger design predates the big proa by almost ten years. In 2003, a giant and very well-known national youth program got in touch, looking for a weekend boatbuilding project that would be exciting for kids. A committee was formed, which included some notables from the sailing community. I thought that adolescents were most likely to get excited by something genuinely fast and fun, a boat that would look right with shark's teeth painted on the bow.
The boat needed to be simple enough for unskilled adult-child teams to build, and since really scary numbers were in contemplation---say, a hundred boats the first year---it needed to be cost-effective.
After much discussion a small multihull was agreed upon, but this would be tricky. Catamarans require a lot of engineering and expensive hardware to support the masts on the forward crossbeam, and there was the issue of a trampoline having to be sewn up. One of the sailors on the committee mentioned the old Malibu Outrigger. This is an intriguing Warren Seaman design from 1950, of plywood, with a big lateen sail. It was much admired and some 2000 were built. The Malibu Outrigger has one big hull, in which the mast is mounted, and a smaller hull like a proa. Unlike a true proa, however, the boat tacks conventionally, with the small hull in the water on one tack and skimming the surface on the other.
read more here
The two class leaders have been constructed and launched and a photo gallery is on facebook:
This didn't work out how it was supposed to. The big idea was that this compact and easy-to-build multihull would slip in on the heels of Madness-the-proa, capitalizing on the torrent of interest the big proa generated. The idea was good; for example, sales of our trimaran-conversion rig quadrupled during the Madness media cycle. But we got busy enough that the "mini-Madness" project moved along like molasses running uphill in January, and is only just now ready for sea trials.
This outrigger design predates the big proa by almost ten years. In 2003, a giant and very well-known national youth program got in touch, looking for a weekend boatbuilding project that would be exciting for kids. A committee was formed, which included some notables from the sailing community. I thought that adolescents were most likely to get excited by something genuinely fast and fun, a boat that would look right with shark's teeth painted on the bow.
The boat needed to be simple enough for unskilled adult-child teams to build, and since really scary numbers were in contemplation---say, a hundred boats the first year---it needed to be cost-effective.
After much discussion a small multihull was agreed upon, but this would be tricky. Catamarans require a lot of engineering and expensive hardware to support the masts on the forward crossbeam, and there was the issue of a trampoline having to be sewn up. One of the sailors on the committee mentioned the old Malibu Outrigger. This is an intriguing Warren Seaman design from 1950, of plywood, with a big lateen sail. It was much admired and some 2000 were built. The Malibu Outrigger has one big hull, in which the mast is mounted, and a smaller hull like a proa. Unlike a true proa, however, the boat tacks conventionally, with the small hull in the water on one tack and skimming the surface on the other.
read more here
The two class leaders have been constructed and launched and a photo gallery is on facebook:
Friday, 27 December 2013
35th America's Cup update, City of San Francisco proposes venues for the event
From the following article on americascup.com
The America’s Cup Event Authority has received a letter from San Francisco’s Mayor Ed Lee, proposing venue sites within the City that would be used to host the next America’s Cup in 2017.
The letter reads, in part: “The 34th America’s Cup generated hundreds of millions of dollars in economic activity for San Francisco, created thousands of jobs and showcased our spectacular waterfront, the beauty of San Francisco Bay and the sport of sailing to millions of spectators around the world.
“Therefore, it is with great enthusiasm, guided by the lessons learned and practical experience of the 34th America’s Cup, that we propose the venue sites for the 35th America’s Cup in San Francisco in 2017…”
The City is suggesting the use of Piers 27-29 for the America’s Cup Park and Team Bases as well as Piers 19.5, 23, 31 and a section of Pier 80 for team use. A portion of Marina Green, including the Peninsula area, would be used for public viewing and bleachers. A significant change for this next America’ s Cup is shifting the team bases to the America’s Cup Park at Piers 27-29.
read more here
The America’s Cup Event Authority has received a letter from San Francisco’s Mayor Ed Lee, proposing venue sites within the City that would be used to host the next America’s Cup in 2017.
The letter reads, in part: “The 34th America’s Cup generated hundreds of millions of dollars in economic activity for San Francisco, created thousands of jobs and showcased our spectacular waterfront, the beauty of San Francisco Bay and the sport of sailing to millions of spectators around the world.
“Therefore, it is with great enthusiasm, guided by the lessons learned and practical experience of the 34th America’s Cup, that we propose the venue sites for the 35th America’s Cup in San Francisco in 2017…”
The City is suggesting the use of Piers 27-29 for the America’s Cup Park and Team Bases as well as Piers 19.5, 23, 31 and a section of Pier 80 for team use. A portion of Marina Green, including the Peninsula area, would be used for public viewing and bleachers. A significant change for this next America’ s Cup is shifting the team bases to the America’s Cup Park at Piers 27-29.
read more here
Thursday, 26 December 2013
New Zealand Bay of Islands Sailing week 2014, registration 21st of January racing 22-24th
From the Bay of Islands Sailing week website:
Registration 21 January 2014. Racing 22, 23, 24 January 2014
The CRC Bay of Islands Sailing Week is one of New Zealand's most popular yachting events. The regatta is open to keelers, multi-hulls, trailer sailers, sports and open keelboats, with competitive racing over three days. Courses are designed to suit the various divisions with a range of windward/leeward triangle races & bay races that use the many natural obstacles in the Bay of Islands. Cruising yachts and crews are encouraged to join the competition in the island racing divisions sailing one bay race a day. Every year hundreds of competitors, family and friends come together to enjoy an amazing array of course options amongst some of the most beautiful sailing waters New Zealand has to offer.
read more about us →
We have received the President's Award at the 2013 Volvo Yachting NZ Excellence awards held in Auckland on November 29th 2013.
This is a huge achievement and recognises the time and effort put in to make the Bay of Islands Sailing week one of New Zealand's premier yachting events. Congratulations to Ray Haslar, committee members, volunteers, and all the sailors who make it happen!
read more here
Registration 21 January 2014. Racing 22, 23, 24 January 2014
The CRC Bay of Islands Sailing Week is one of New Zealand's most popular yachting events. The regatta is open to keelers, multi-hulls, trailer sailers, sports and open keelboats, with competitive racing over three days. Courses are designed to suit the various divisions with a range of windward/leeward triangle races & bay races that use the many natural obstacles in the Bay of Islands. Cruising yachts and crews are encouraged to join the competition in the island racing divisions sailing one bay race a day. Every year hundreds of competitors, family and friends come together to enjoy an amazing array of course options amongst some of the most beautiful sailing waters New Zealand has to offer.
read more about us →
We have received the President's Award at the 2013 Volvo Yachting NZ Excellence awards held in Auckland on November 29th 2013.
This is a huge achievement and recognises the time and effort put in to make the Bay of Islands Sailing week one of New Zealand's premier yachting events. Congratulations to Ray Haslar, committee members, volunteers, and all the sailors who make it happen!
read more here
Tuesday, 24 December 2013
DIAM 24 trimaran, Ryan Breymaier article on Sailing Anarchy examines this new one design racing trimaran
From the following article on Sailing Anarchy by Ryan Breymaier:
We promised you Ryan Breymaier’s look at the newest racing trimaran on the market, and here it is; it’s the Diam 24, a ‘mini MOD-70′ from the desk of the guys who gave you some of the biggest big boat racing successes of the past decade. Be sure to check out what Breymaier’s up to lately over here.
We promised you Ryan Breymaier’s look at the newest racing trimaran on the market, and here it is; it’s the Diam 24, a ‘mini MOD-70′ from the desk of the guys who gave you some of the biggest big boat racing successes of the past decade. Be sure to check out what Breymaier’s up to lately over here.
Imagine a Melges 24-sized boat that sails 14 knots upwind instead of 7, and 30 downwind instead of 18. And all without any nerve-damaging hiking at all!
Meet the Diam 24; a beautifully built, impressively simple trimaran designed by multihull masters VPLP and built in Port La Foret, France, about 10 minutes from my house.
Vianney Ancelin is the man behind the project; I met him about 5 years ago while looking for a place to keep my newly acquired beach cat. Turns out that my Diam F-18 was built by him, and his factory is right next to a beautiful launch ramp, while his parking lot is full of small multihulls, Tornados, F-18s, A-Cats, Multi 23s, whatever you can imagine, all within minutes of my front door.
Anyway, Vianney’s trapezing days at the helm of an F-18 are over, and he had always dreamed of building an easily launched, easily sailed trimaran; something to race, to raid, or just to island hop through the Glenans.
read more here
Farrier F-33 trimaran update, hull #1 nearly complete Ian Farrier visits Multihulls Direct in the Phillipines
From the following article on F-boat.com by Ian Farrier of Farrier Marine:
I managed to spend a day in the Philippines last week to inspect the latest F-33s as being built by Multihulls Direct at the Clark Field Freeport Zone. It was difficult to break away from work on the production F-22, but the all new 2013 F-33 has been proceeding well, and a visit to check on progress was well overdue.
Overall I was very pleased with how it is all going, with company owner Mike Mallory and his crew of 27 doing an excellent job. They have now moved into a new much larger factory, and building is to a very high standard. Some photos taken while there include:
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I managed to spend a day in the Philippines last week to inspect the latest F-33s as being built by Multihulls Direct at the Clark Field Freeport Zone. It was difficult to break away from work on the production F-22, but the all new 2013 F-33 has been proceeding well, and a visit to check on progress was well overdue.
Overall I was very pleased with how it is all going, with company owner Mike Mallory and his crew of 27 doing an excellent job. They have now moved into a new much larger factory, and building is to a very high standard. Some photos taken while there include:
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Mike Mallory and some of his staff, with boats #1, 2 and 3 behind, photo courtesy Farrier Marine |
Monday, 23 December 2013
Pete Ansel of Motive Trimarans on recent development work on the new Motive 25r trimaran
I recently emailed Pete Ansel of Motive trimarans to see how the project for this custom/semi production carbon construction Motive 25r trimaran is coming along. It seems much of the work is revolving around getting systems up to speed and making sure they all work as well as possible. I've also had quite a few queries about the camping side of this smart looking and performing trimaran so thought I'd ask Pete for some more details.
From Pete Ansel, Motive Trimarans on the development process.
We should be back in the water by late April or early May after the latest round of mods. It's been quite an adventure so far and I certainly didn't expect things to take this long. The original rudders just weren't strong enough, and waiting for the new ones, took a few months, so we essentially lost the summer season which sucked. The exposure would have been great and the warm weather testing very useful. Working with even a small handful of specialty shops for various parts has been frustratingly slow! I'm now doing most of the mods myself and really enjoying the speed with which development is now progressing.
I have over a dozen people ready to shell out $50,000 deposits, but I'm not taking anyone's money, until I feel 100% ready. Rushing into production is the worst thing you can do. Too many manufacturing/warranty nightmare stories out there!
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Motive 25 trimaran test sailing, photo courtesy Motive Trimarans |
We should be back in the water by late April or early May after the latest round of mods. It's been quite an adventure so far and I certainly didn't expect things to take this long. The original rudders just weren't strong enough, and waiting for the new ones, took a few months, so we essentially lost the summer season which sucked. The exposure would have been great and the warm weather testing very useful. Working with even a small handful of specialty shops for various parts has been frustratingly slow! I'm now doing most of the mods myself and really enjoying the speed with which development is now progressing.
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Ted Warren fitting up the new rudders, photo courtesy Motive Trimarans |
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New and stronger rudder pintle arrangement, Motive Trimarans |
No doubt more will be learned with more on water testing, but there's no sense rushing to put it in the water until I fix the little things I already know are wrong! In other words... There's no sense testing a boat that's not the boat I want to test!
Here is the new 4:1 traveler which Harken doesn't offer in their catalogue, but which they built specially for me. Angling the track forward for the boomless rig, causes the cleats to be pointing down at a bad angle. I was able to correct this with two sets of custom 21º Delrin wedges. The first photo shows the left cleat angle corrected with wedges, while the right cleat shows the original bad angle. I then swapped them out for extreme angle cleats, which will let you control the traveler from anywhere on the trampolines.
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Initial 4 to 1 custom Harken traveler setup, photo courtesy Motive Trimarans |
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delrin wedges, photo courtesy Motive Trimarans |
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corrected traveler arrangement, photo courtesy Motive Trimarans |
Below is one of the new CNC'ed "A" brackets I designed for single handed mast raising, and the new aft mast support roller which only requires about 20 lb. of force to pin the mast foot. It was previously taking 3 or 4 people to raise the mast safely, which is fine for a prototype but not production!. Then there's the new carbon mini-deck which shows the new CB up/down lines sorted out, and with a quick release clam cleat for the down line. Both lines lead to the winches, which is especially critical when lowering the CB and fighting its buoyancy. The new CB has twin carbon rectangular tubes running its full length for strength. The new rudders are mounted to the new Gudgeons I designed and which are much beefier than the previous ones. They're set much farther apart and use a 12mm full length pintle. The tiller crossbeam is now 3 " above the traveler, so the hiking sticks don't crash into the traveler end controls as previously.
The water stays have also been changed once again. After three or four attempts at using soft rigging which had its creep/stretch problems, they are now -4 rod rigging from Hall Spars, and of a much smaller diameter. Lots of other small mods, such as a pair of Colligo quick release, twin fairleads on the foredeck for the roller furler lines, to keep them from drooping over the sides and looking sloppy like they were before. Still a ways to go but feeling very good about the spring.
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New A frame mast raising arrangement, photo courtesy Motive Trimarans |
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New A frame mast raising system being tested, photo courtesy Motive Trimarans |
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New rear mast support roller, photo courtesy Motive Trimarans |
Now that I've blabbed on this far, I might as well answer your last few questions!
-RAID: People love the raid concept and frankly I can't wait to go camping on the boat myself. The trampolines have been designed with four small nylon webbing loops each, to tie down a standard 2 person tent on each side, allowing 2-4 people to camp comfortably. And I'm working with a US tent maker on custom silver tents to match the boat. Some people of course though, are only interested in racing and for sure we've had plenty of inquiries in that direction. But I find that though racers are the "loudest", it doesn't make them the majority. A lot of people love the boat as is and say nothing. The future will tell the market direction.
-STORAGE: There are eight 6" inspection ports with storage bags along the walls of the footwell, four each side, and 1 more in each ama. There is also a surprising amount of room in the center hull, forward hatch. I've crawled all the way forward in there to replace the headstay U-bolt. One person could sleep in there comfortably along with a lot of gear... but I'd prefer the tent on the tramp under the stars! For raiding/expeditioning though, dry duffel bags lash down to the front of the tramps. We have a matching set of 2 big and 2 midsize black Ortlieb dry bags, they look great! There's also plenty of room in the hatch area to sit on a piss bucket, should you be so inclined!
-MAIN FURLING: This has not played out as envisioned, though it's not a big deal. I thought the mainsail when doused would fit completely in the footwell while its sail slugs remained in the mast track. In reality, the stacked slugs and head board extend above the deck. We have a cool looking sail bag and the whole thing just rests, suspended above the deck, much like a conventional boomed rig.
-SLIDING CONCEPT: This has worked out really well, and little refinements continue to speed up set up time. Two people can launch the boat in about 45 minutes.
So as you can see, We've been busy but I'm feeling good about the boat. Feel free to check back in a few months.
Happy Holidays!
20th Hobie 16 Worlds 2013, Huskisson, Jervis Bay, NSW set to welcome nearly 500 competitors
From the following article by David Brookes on the Hobieclass.com website:
20th Hobie 16 Worlds numbers
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
Member for the South Coast, Shelley Hancock, has announced that Huskisson, Jervis Bay, New South Wales, will welcome a record number of entrants for the world’s largest Hobie 16 World Championships, held from Friday 31 January to Saturday 15 February 2014. The Hobie 16 World Championships is the pinnacle competition for the largest and most popular catamaran class in the world.
More than 365 teams, comprising almost 500 competitors from 27 countries will battle it out during the 16-day sailing regatta on the idyllic waters of Jervis Bay.
A single class, multi-hull event, the regatta ensures a level playing field for competitors, where all will be sailing in identical Hobie catamarans.
“This is great news for our community, and we look forward to welcoming the competitors and visitors to our beautiful region for the 20th Hobie 16 World Championships,” Ms Hancock said.
“With previous World Championships hosted in Canada, Mexico, New Caledonia, South Africa, Spain, United Arab Emirates and The Virgin Islands, Jervis Bay is in good company hosting this truly global event.”
read more here
20th Hobie 16 Worlds numbers
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
Member for the South Coast, Shelley Hancock, has announced that Huskisson, Jervis Bay, New South Wales, will welcome a record number of entrants for the world’s largest Hobie 16 World Championships, held from Friday 31 January to Saturday 15 February 2014. The Hobie 16 World Championships is the pinnacle competition for the largest and most popular catamaran class in the world.
More than 365 teams, comprising almost 500 competitors from 27 countries will battle it out during the 16-day sailing regatta on the idyllic waters of Jervis Bay.
A single class, multi-hull event, the regatta ensures a level playing field for competitors, where all will be sailing in identical Hobie catamarans.
“This is great news for our community, and we look forward to welcoming the competitors and visitors to our beautiful region for the 20th Hobie 16 World Championships,” Ms Hancock said.
“With previous World Championships hosted in Canada, Mexico, New Caledonia, South Africa, Spain, United Arab Emirates and The Virgin Islands, Jervis Bay is in good company hosting this truly global event.”
read more here
Saturday, 21 December 2013
New event "The Foiling Week" to be held at Lake Garda, Italy in July 2014
From the following article submitted to Sail-World by Domenico Boffi
The Foiling Week is a new event dedicated to amazing foiling boats, their designers, builders and athletes, taking place across Lake Garda, Italy from various beautiful sailing clubs in July 2014.
- July 4-6th Eurocup and Italian Moth Championship
- July 7-9th Forum, Course Racing, Speed Testing, Ideas Exchange and New Boats!
For all classes - from kite foilers to amazing big catamarans.
There will be a forum with foiling experts that will exchange ideas, theories and experiences with a chance to see amazing foilers up-close and see the latest in performance. Brand new foiling concept boats and production boats will be available for testing!
- July 10-12th Full Foiling Catamaran Racing: Spectacular foiling boats do battle on the water
Events are open to all sailing and foiling enthusiasts willing to share, compare and learn. You can come and watch the racing from shore or spectator boats, listen to the conferences with America’s cup gurus and Olympic athletes, try first hand and buy production boats, or simply come for the fun.
read more here
The Foiling Week is a new event dedicated to amazing foiling boats, their designers, builders and athletes, taking place across Lake Garda, Italy from various beautiful sailing clubs in July 2014.
- July 4-6th Eurocup and Italian Moth Championship
- July 7-9th Forum, Course Racing, Speed Testing, Ideas Exchange and New Boats!
For all classes - from kite foilers to amazing big catamarans.
There will be a forum with foiling experts that will exchange ideas, theories and experiences with a chance to see amazing foilers up-close and see the latest in performance. Brand new foiling concept boats and production boats will be available for testing!
- July 10-12th Full Foiling Catamaran Racing: Spectacular foiling boats do battle on the water
Events are open to all sailing and foiling enthusiasts willing to share, compare and learn. You can come and watch the racing from shore or spectator boats, listen to the conferences with America’s cup gurus and Olympic athletes, try first hand and buy production boats, or simply come for the fun.
read more here
Friday, 20 December 2013
Camp cruising on the Windrider 17 trimaran article on smalltrimarans.com of Mac and Paul's adventures sailing the North Channel
From the following article on the excellent small trimarans blog:
White Waterman and Blue Waterman – An adventure in the North Channel – July 2013
Mac MacDevitt – Windrider 17 Trimaran
The Odd Couple
No predicting a how a beach cruising adventure is going to turn out. Paul and I both have Windrider 17 trimarans. But we were certainly the odd couple. Found him on the Windrider forum. Paul is a white water canoe trekking adventurer. He gloried in incredibly challenging long trips, far from support, dealing with ice, overturned canoes, lost gear and paddles and rugged wilderness camping. His Windrider 17 was his first sailboat and he was learning to sail by the seat of his pants. Couldn’t name many of the lines or the stays or the fittings. Before this trip he had never sailed alone. Not sure how he was going to manage hoisting the main without someone to steer into the wind. Had no idea why anyone might want to make the mainsail smaller – never reefed.
Blue Waterman (Lite)
Compared to Paul I was Blue Waterman. Well, not really – not compared to other sailors who have made serious off-shore passages – maybe Lite-Blue Waterman. I started sailing with bigger trimarans on Lake Champlain, a Jim Brown 27 and a 31, finishing up with a Corsair 27. And I’ve gotten in lots of tight spots: cracked an ama on a dock piling on the Chesapeake, ran seriously aground and had to wade out with an anchor and kedge off before the situation would require a dredger and a tow (and that was with the whole family aboard), even once sailed for quite a while in high winds off Valcour Island before realizing that my sluggish performance had to do with the new Honda 8 outboard I was trolling behind the boat connected only by the control cables.
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White Waterman and Blue Waterman – An adventure in the North Channel – July 2013
Mac MacDevitt – Windrider 17 Trimaran
The Odd Couple
No predicting a how a beach cruising adventure is going to turn out. Paul and I both have Windrider 17 trimarans. But we were certainly the odd couple. Found him on the Windrider forum. Paul is a white water canoe trekking adventurer. He gloried in incredibly challenging long trips, far from support, dealing with ice, overturned canoes, lost gear and paddles and rugged wilderness camping. His Windrider 17 was his first sailboat and he was learning to sail by the seat of his pants. Couldn’t name many of the lines or the stays or the fittings. Before this trip he had never sailed alone. Not sure how he was going to manage hoisting the main without someone to steer into the wind. Had no idea why anyone might want to make the mainsail smaller – never reefed.
Blue Waterman (Lite)
Compared to Paul I was Blue Waterman. Well, not really – not compared to other sailors who have made serious off-shore passages – maybe Lite-Blue Waterman. I started sailing with bigger trimarans on Lake Champlain, a Jim Brown 27 and a 31, finishing up with a Corsair 27. And I’ve gotten in lots of tight spots: cracked an ama on a dock piling on the Chesapeake, ran seriously aground and had to wade out with an anchor and kedge off before the situation would require a dredger and a tow (and that was with the whole family aboard), even once sailed for quite a while in high winds off Valcour Island before realizing that my sluggish performance had to do with the new Honda 8 outboard I was trolling behind the boat connected only by the control cables.
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Wednesday, 18 December 2013
34th America's Cup, new book "Winging it" by Diane Swintal, R. Steven Tsuchiya and Robert Kamins
From the following article:
Winging It: ORACLE TEAM USA’s Incredible Comeback to Win the America’s Cup (McGraw-Hill Professional/International Marine, 224 pages with 37 b/w photos, 12 charts and illustrations)
The book is now available at online sellers and in bookstores. More information on availability
One of the Greatest Comebacks in Sports
Millions of sailing enthusiasts and casual fans alike watched the 2013 America’s Cup in awe as ORACLE TEAM USA, trailing one point to New Zealand’s eight and on the brink of losing the trophy to the Challenger, came back to win eight straight match-point races to successfully defend the most famous trophy in sailing.
The 2013 America’s Cup was raced in 72-foot wingsailed catamarans at speeds of 40-50 miles per hour in San Francisco Bay. Designed and engineered by each team, these multihulls were unprecedented, using hydrofoils to race in close quarters around an inshore course, watched by tens of thousands of spectators.
Winging It: ORACLE TEAM USA’s Incredible Comeback to Win the America’s Cup (McGraw-Hill Professional/International Marine, 224 pages with 37 b/w photos, 12 charts and illustrations)
The book is now available at online sellers and in bookstores. More information on availability
One of the Greatest Comebacks in Sports
Millions of sailing enthusiasts and casual fans alike watched the 2013 America’s Cup in awe as ORACLE TEAM USA, trailing one point to New Zealand’s eight and on the brink of losing the trophy to the Challenger, came back to win eight straight match-point races to successfully defend the most famous trophy in sailing.
The 2013 America’s Cup was raced in 72-foot wingsailed catamarans at speeds of 40-50 miles per hour in San Francisco Bay. Designed and engineered by each team, these multihulls were unprecedented, using hydrofoils to race in close quarters around an inshore course, watched by tens of thousands of spectators.
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
Sunday, 15 December 2013
ORMA60 trimaran Groupama2 finds new home in the West Coast, US
The ORMA trimaran Groupama2 which is considered perhaps the best of all the ORMA60 trimarans has been bought by a well known West Coast sailor (who has campaigned the Jenneau trimaran Loreal) in the US and will join the increasing group of hot multihulls that have found their home there.
Here is some video of Groupama2 in full flight during a Grand Prix event in the bay of Douarnenez while being campaigned by Franck Cammas.
Here is some video of Groupama2 in full flight during a Grand Prix event in the bay of Douarnenez while being campaigned by Franck Cammas.
Lionel Lemonchois on the Maxi80 trimaran Prince de Bretagne, final preperations for record attempt "the Mauritian" from Port Louis, Morbihan to Port Louis in Mauritius, standby period starts from next Friday
From the following article (in French) on http://www.voile.princedebretagne/fr/
and the rough bing translate below:
After three days spent at the Paris boat show, the annual gathering of enthusiasts of water sports to discover what's new in the upcoming season and bringing near 785 exhibitors, 1 300 brands and over 240,000 visitors, Lionel Lemonchois regained its Lorient base to continue its preparation. These days, the skipper of the Maxi80 Prince of Britain and his team have thus finalized the last details of the installation of the video system of the edge then realized two outputs at sea, Tuesday and Friday, to validate all through tests in live with the SICA. These occasions, Norman has also carried out tests of its automatic pilot of "spare". Tests that should continue at the beginning of next week, at the same time to the installation of the wind turbine and the provisioning of the boat. As a result, the trimaran will be in the starting blocks of the Mauritian (record between Port-Louis, Morbihan and Port Louis in Mauritius) from next Friday.
and the rough bing translate below:
After three days spent at the Paris boat show, the annual gathering of enthusiasts of water sports to discover what's new in the upcoming season and bringing near 785 exhibitors, 1 300 brands and over 240,000 visitors, Lionel Lemonchois regained its Lorient base to continue its preparation. These days, the skipper of the Maxi80 Prince of Britain and his team have thus finalized the last details of the installation of the video system of the edge then realized two outputs at sea, Tuesday and Friday, to validate all through tests in live with the SICA. These occasions, Norman has also carried out tests of its automatic pilot of "spare". Tests that should continue at the beginning of next week, at the same time to the installation of the wind turbine and the provisioning of the boat. As a result, the trimaran will be in the starting blocks of the Mauritian (record between Port-Louis, Morbihan and Port Louis in Mauritius) from next Friday.
Thursday, 12 December 2013
Groupama team and Franck Cammas commit to new programs for 2014 and beyond
From the following article on bymnews:
By renewing its trust and loyalty in Franck Cammas after his victory in the Volvo Ocean Race 2012, Groupama has enabled Groupama sailing team to continue on its quest for excellence in 2013. Still as determined as ever, the skipper of Groupama, Sailor of the Year 2013, is now setting his sights on 2014.
Triple Match Racing Champion of France, Champion of offshore racing and Olympic sailing, winner of the Tour de France à la Voile, the Semaine Olympique Française (French Olympic Week) and finally World C-Class Champion, Franck Cammas has scored a veritable full house in 2013, switching from one craft to another with the same degree of success and racking up 320 days on the water.
This expertise and the technological gain associated with this is naturally prompting Franck to get a good amount of racing under his belt in 2014 and thus be in phase with Groupama's dynamic: to get close to associates and clients again, to remain ambitious and finally to support research and innovation with the aim on performance.
This expertise and the technological gain associated with this is naturally prompting Franck to get a good amount of racing under his belt in 2014 and thus be in phase with Groupama's dynamic: to get close to associates and clients again, to remain ambitious and finally to support research and innovation with the aim on performance.
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35th America's Cup, Nathan Outteridge and Iain Jensen to continue with Artemis team
From the following article on bymnews.com
Artemis Racing is pleased to announce that Olympic Gold medalists Nathan Outteridge and Iain "Goobs" Jensen are continuing with the team, which is currently preparing its bid for the 35th America’s Cup.
Nathan and Goobs will be once again joining forces with existing sailing team members triple Olympic medalist Iain Percy and legendary grinder Chris Brittle. This combination of sailing talents will serve as the foundation of Artemis Racing on the water and will work closely with designers to develop a winning boat.
“With Iain, Nathan, Goobs and Chris all on board, Artemis Racing has a core of talent and experience that will drive us toward the next Cup,” said Artemis Racing owner Torbjörn Törnqvist. “They have individually and together already achieved very much and I believe in their potential as a team. We look forward to seeing what the 35th America's Cup will bring.”
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35th America's Cup, nationality clause liable to be introduced for future events
From the following article on livesaildie:
Russell Coutts has hinted it is likely a nationality clause will be reintroduced for the next America’s Cup.
Now the dust has settled on the 34th Cup match in San Francisco this year, discussions are well underway between Oracle Racing and challenger of record Team Australia, representing the Hamilton Island Yacht Club, over what shape the next event will take.
And it appears there is a lot of support for stronger nationality rules in the next event.
The nationality clause was abolished following Team New Zealand’s successful Cup defence in 2000, which paved the way for Coutts to link up with Swiss syndicate Alinghi, headed by billionaire Ernesto Bertarelli. The move prompted a huge furore both in New Zealand and in the international sailing community, and since then the nationality debate has remained contentious in the sport.
In this year’s event the only stipulation was that the hulls of the boats had to be constructed in the nation of the team’s origin, but there was no nationality restriction on sailors involved.
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Russell Coutts has hinted it is likely a nationality clause will be reintroduced for the next America’s Cup.
Now the dust has settled on the 34th Cup match in San Francisco this year, discussions are well underway between Oracle Racing and challenger of record Team Australia, representing the Hamilton Island Yacht Club, over what shape the next event will take.
And it appears there is a lot of support for stronger nationality rules in the next event.
The nationality clause was abolished following Team New Zealand’s successful Cup defence in 2000, which paved the way for Coutts to link up with Swiss syndicate Alinghi, headed by billionaire Ernesto Bertarelli. The move prompted a huge furore both in New Zealand and in the international sailing community, and since then the nationality debate has remained contentious in the sport.
In this year’s event the only stipulation was that the hulls of the boats had to be constructed in the nation of the team’s origin, but there was no nationality restriction on sailors involved.
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35th America's Cup likely to return to San Francisco Bay despite economic benefits falling short of projections
From the following article on USATODAY by Jon Swartz
SAN FRANCISCO – America's Cup is likely to return here in summer 2017 after a gripping, winner-take-all finish turned the yachting race from bust to a bustling boom for the local economy.
An economic report, released Tuesday, said the international sporting event pumped $364 million into Bay Area businesses during its three-month stay.
The international sailing competition drew more than 700,000 people to the waterfront and could generate more than $550 million if the long-planned construction of a new cruise ship terminal is factored in, the Bay Area Council Economic Institute says.
The economic haul is far short of the $902 million projected in March – and about one-fourth the $1.4 billion economic originally predicted in 2010. The race cost San Francisco taxpayers at least $5.5 million.
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SAN FRANCISCO – America's Cup is likely to return here in summer 2017 after a gripping, winner-take-all finish turned the yachting race from bust to a bustling boom for the local economy.
An economic report, released Tuesday, said the international sporting event pumped $364 million into Bay Area businesses during its three-month stay.
The international sailing competition drew more than 700,000 people to the waterfront and could generate more than $550 million if the long-planned construction of a new cruise ship terminal is factored in, the Bay Area Council Economic Institute says.
The economic haul is far short of the $902 million projected in March – and about one-fourth the $1.4 billion economic originally predicted in 2010. The race cost San Francisco taxpayers at least $5.5 million.
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Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image award 2013 awarded to Abner Kingman for his stunning photo of Emirates Team New Zealand's near capsize while racing their AC72
From the following article on Sail-World submitted by MaxComm Communication:
A jury made up of specialists from the yacht racing and photographic industries chose Abner Kingman’s photograph taken during the 34th America’s Cup for the Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image award 2013. The delegates from the World Yacht Racing Forum chose Rick Tomlinson’s photograph for the «Public Award».
82 professional photographers spanning nineteen countries took part in the Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image 2013. US photographer Abner Kingman, based in San Francisco, won the main award further to a selection made by an international jury consisting of nine specialists from the yacht racing and photographic industries (see list below). Rick Tomlinson (UK) won the prize of public.
Aged 44 and the father of two children, Abner Kingman, has been awarded for his photograph of Emirates Team New Zealand and Oracle Team USA, taken during race 8 of the 34th America’s Cup in San Francisco (USA). The shot captures the precise moment when Oracle Team USA took over the lead on Emirates Team New Zealand whilst ETNZ almost capsized; the turning point in the last America’s Cup. 'As Emirates tried to tack on top of Oracle, their wing articulation hydraulics failed and they couldn't trim properly,' explains winner Abner Kingman. 'I was shooting from the aft deck of the television catamaran when they started to capsize, it seemed to unfold in slow motion. Finally, their starboard hull came down with a splash. It took a moment for ETNZ to get sorted out and start sailing again, while Oracle went on to win the race, and then nine more of the next 11 races.'
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A jury made up of specialists from the yacht racing and photographic industries chose Abner Kingman’s photograph taken during the 34th America’s Cup for the Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image award 2013. The delegates from the World Yacht Racing Forum chose Rick Tomlinson’s photograph for the «Public Award».
82 professional photographers spanning nineteen countries took part in the Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image 2013. US photographer Abner Kingman, based in San Francisco, won the main award further to a selection made by an international jury consisting of nine specialists from the yacht racing and photographic industries (see list below). Rick Tomlinson (UK) won the prize of public.
Aged 44 and the father of two children, Abner Kingman, has been awarded for his photograph of Emirates Team New Zealand and Oracle Team USA, taken during race 8 of the 34th America’s Cup in San Francisco (USA). The shot captures the precise moment when Oracle Team USA took over the lead on Emirates Team New Zealand whilst ETNZ almost capsized; the turning point in the last America’s Cup. 'As Emirates tried to tack on top of Oracle, their wing articulation hydraulics failed and they couldn't trim properly,' explains winner Abner Kingman. 'I was shooting from the aft deck of the television catamaran when they started to capsize, it seemed to unfold in slow motion. Finally, their starboard hull came down with a splash. It took a moment for ETNZ to get sorted out and start sailing again, while Oracle went on to win the race, and then nine more of the next 11 races.'
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'San Francisco (USA CA) - 34th America’s Cup - Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image of the Year 2013' Abner Kingman |
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Pittwater to Coffs Race, entry deadline extended until 5pm Friday 13th December without extra fee
From the following press release on Sail-World submitted by Damian Devine:
The Club Marine Pittwater & Coffs Harbour Regatta 2014 entry date has been extended by the organisers, The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club. Competitors will now have until 5pm next Friday 13 December to get their entry in without incurring a late fee.
This will give anyone contemplating entering the Club Marine Pittwater to Coffs race and/or the associated five race regatta one last opportunity to get their entry in and enjoy the first race of the new year and the 'warm water' regatta.
With 39 boats entered to date, a competitive fleet of 33 monohulls and six multihulls has assembled for the tactical race north, representing 12 different yacht clubs on the eastern seaboard. There are no fewer than 15 boats doing the regatta for the first time.
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event website
The Club Marine Pittwater & Coffs Harbour Regatta 2014 entry date has been extended by the organisers, The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club. Competitors will now have until 5pm next Friday 13 December to get their entry in without incurring a late fee.
This will give anyone contemplating entering the Club Marine Pittwater to Coffs race and/or the associated five race regatta one last opportunity to get their entry in and enjoy the first race of the new year and the 'warm water' regatta.
With 39 boats entered to date, a competitive fleet of 33 monohulls and six multihulls has assembled for the tactical race north, representing 12 different yacht clubs on the eastern seaboard. There are no fewer than 15 boats doing the regatta for the first time.
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event website
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Astusboats 24, video walkthrough of the Astus 24 trimaran
Astus has been building these very interesting sliding beam trimarans now for some time this video on Voiles et Voiliers shows the features of the Astus 24 model.
The rough bing translate from the page:
53rd Salon Nautique de Paris
Shipyard Astusboats arrives at the Paris boat show with a new cruise folding and transportable trimaran, Astus 24. Designed by Eric Henseval, this unit of 7.40 metres is the largest produced to date by the morbihanais shipyard. It remains true to the brand's values: simplicity, ease, and low cost. Thanks to its size and its design, the new Astus should allow classic cruising in monohull regulars to the multi without too much to scare... Here is the video of Pierre-Marie Bourguinat explanations.
The rough bing translate from the page:
53rd Salon Nautique de Paris
Shipyard Astusboats arrives at the Paris boat show with a new cruise folding and transportable trimaran, Astus 24. Designed by Eric Henseval, this unit of 7.40 metres is the largest produced to date by the morbihanais shipyard. It remains true to the brand's values: simplicity, ease, and low cost. Thanks to its size and its design, the new Astus should allow classic cruising in monohull regulars to the multi without too much to scare... Here is the video of Pierre-Marie Bourguinat explanations.
Chris White Atlantic 47 catmaran with Mastfoil Sail Magazines best multihull in the 41-50' range
From the following article on the Sail Magazine website:
Although huge, full-roached mainsails have been the rule on most catamarans for years now, in real life we all know that many cruising-cat sailors don’t ever use them because they can be so hard to handle. A number of designers have responded to this fact in incremental ways—for example, by reducing mainsail size or specifying in-mast furling. But now veteran multihull designer Chris White has solved the problem completely by taking the bold step of eliminating the mainsail altogether.
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Although huge, full-roached mainsails have been the rule on most catamarans for years now, in real life we all know that many cruising-cat sailors don’t ever use them because they can be so hard to handle. A number of designers have responded to this fact in incremental ways—for example, by reducing mainsail size or specifying in-mast furling. But now veteran multihull designer Chris White has solved the problem completely by taking the bold step of eliminating the mainsail altogether.
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ISAF Sail Melbourne, Darren Bundock and Nina Curtis win overall in the Nacra 17 catamaran
Despite being on my doorstep this year I was not able to get down to Sandringham and watch the Nacra 17's race. The results from the event are below and a short highlights video.
Race results
Race results
Weta trimaran, review of the Weta in a racing setting by Richard Gladwell
From the following article submitted to Sail-World by Richard Gladwell
It seems a little hard to believe that it was three and half years ago that I first sailed the Weta, off Takapuna Beach on Auckland’s North Shore.
That day in a 10-12kt sea breeze the Weta was put through her paces, sailing singlehanded.
It was a memorable sail – a few months after BMW Oracle Racing had won the America’s Cup sailing their 120ft wingsailed trimaran.
Having seen the massive trimaran flying her mainhull with relative ease, the obvious objective was to see if the Weta would do the same. Despite several carefully angled runs, and with the Code Zero fully powered up, we never got close.
But it was a great experience to be able to run three sails while sailing singlehanded.
Over the intervening three years, multihulls have become much more mainstream – largely off the back of the AC72’s and the America’s Cup – but what is like to race a Weta single handed?
An invitation to have another test sail soon got upped into a Media Race – competing against Boating New Zealand's Ben Gladwell - nothing quite like keeping it in the family, is there?
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It seems a little hard to believe that it was three and half years ago that I first sailed the Weta, off Takapuna Beach on Auckland’s North Shore.
That day in a 10-12kt sea breeze the Weta was put through her paces, sailing singlehanded.
It was a memorable sail – a few months after BMW Oracle Racing had won the America’s Cup sailing their 120ft wingsailed trimaran.
Having seen the massive trimaran flying her mainhull with relative ease, the obvious objective was to see if the Weta would do the same. Despite several carefully angled runs, and with the Code Zero fully powered up, we never got close.
But it was a great experience to be able to run three sails while sailing singlehanded.
Over the intervening three years, multihulls have become much more mainstream – largely off the back of the AC72’s and the America’s Cup – but what is like to race a Weta single handed?
An invitation to have another test sail soon got upped into a Media Race – competing against Boating New Zealand's Ben Gladwell - nothing quite like keeping it in the family, is there?
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Monday, 9 December 2013
Sean Langman interview/article part 2 of 2
Iconic names, records and boats going quickly. We saw a lot of that in Part One. Part Two is to be no different, whether we’re talking about Team Australia or a new service that is available for customers on Sydney Harbour. Read on and you’ll also see that NSW is not the only place where you can get some Noakes service, either…
Now as the yachting calendar gets into full swing, what are Sean and the boat up to back here in Australia. 'Vodafone are not considering coming across to do a run South this year. Instead, they’ll be doing a lot of corporate activity. Our sole focus is on the Pittwater to Coffs race. Sailing to Hobart on our own, two hours after fleet and in such a good year for them just does not make sense. I was happy to do it against Vodafone but it’s not like they or the public need the confusion.'
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Iconic names, records and boats going quickly. We saw a lot of that in Part One. Part Two is to be no different, whether we’re talking about Team Australia or a new service that is available for customers on Sydney Harbour. Read on and you’ll also see that NSW is not the only place where you can get some Noakes service, either…
Now as the yachting calendar gets into full swing, what are Sean and the boat up to back here in Australia. 'Vodafone are not considering coming across to do a run South this year. Instead, they’ll be doing a lot of corporate activity. Our sole focus is on the Pittwater to Coffs race. Sailing to Hobart on our own, two hours after fleet and in such a good year for them just does not make sense. I was happy to do it against Vodafone but it’s not like they or the public need the confusion.'
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Record setting pace from the ORMA 60 Trimaran, Team Australia - © Andrea Francolini Photography |
Transat Jacques Vabre 2013, It's a wrap and reflections on the race now that all classes have finished
From the following article on the Transat Jacques Vabre website:
The eleventh edition of the Transat Jacques Vabre double handed race set the longest course yet in the 20 years history of the coffee route. The MOD70 one design Multihulls set a blistering pace with a head to match race all of the 5450 miles course from Le Havre to Itajaí, Brasil. The IMOCA Open 60 fleet featured 10 boats from the last Vendée Globe and the flourishing Class 40 fleet drew 26 entries and delivered a truly international podium. And the Multi 50 class also enjoyed a thrilling match race between the top two protagonists.
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The eleventh edition of the Transat Jacques Vabre double handed race set the longest course yet in the 20 years history of the coffee route. The MOD70 one design Multihulls set a blistering pace with a head to match race all of the 5450 miles course from Le Havre to Itajaí, Brasil. The IMOCA Open 60 fleet featured 10 boats from the last Vendée Globe and the flourishing Class 40 fleet drew 26 entries and delivered a truly international podium. And the Multi 50 class also enjoyed a thrilling match race between the top two protagonists.
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Saturday, 7 December 2013
Spindrift 2 maxi trimaran hauled out for the winter and back at CDK boatyard for extensive review and optimisation
From the following press release on the Spindrift Racing website:
The end of sports season has arrived for the giant of the Spindrift racing fleet. After a studious and successful year, 5 months of sailing and 10,000 miles on the clock, it is time for the 131ft black and gold trimaran to have a service and a well-deserved facelift.
Led by Yann Guichard and Antoine Carraz, the technical manager, the whole Spindrift racing team was on duty this week to lift the 25 tons of carbon trimaran out of the water. Dismasting…cranes, delicate operations that require organisation and concentration without errors when you know that the mast is a towering 47 meters and the boat is 40.
Thus in the cold of winter, the largest ocean-going trimaran ever built is back at the CDK boatyard in Lorient. The giant hangar doors were closed on the bows this morning and will re-open in March. A review…optimisation of the frame, this is a serious joblist which is now in the highly-professional hands of the technical team, ahead of an ambitious 2014 sports program that will be announced very soon…
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Spindrift 2 haulout, photo ©Eloi Stichelbaut |
Friday, 6 December 2013
Spindrift Racing, Discovery Route Cadiz to San Salvador ratified by the WSSRC
The new record for the Cadiz to San Salvador (Discovery Route) by the Spindrift Racing on the maxi trimaran Spindrift 2 has been ratified by the WSSRC
Record: Cadiz to San Salvador
Yacht: Spindrift 2. 131 ft Maxi Tri
Name: Dona Bertarelli SWI and Yann Guichard FRA, and 12 crew.
Dates:. 30th October to the 6th November 2013
Start time: 15;19;34 on 30/10/13
Finish time: 05;48;55 on 06/11/13
Elapsed time: 6 days 14 hours 29 minutes and 21 seconds
Distance: 3884 nm
Average speed: 24.50 kts
Comments: Previous record: Groupama 3. Franck Cammas FRA. May 2007 7d 10h 58m 53s
John Reed
Secretary to the WSSR Council
Klaus Metz designed lightweight and cartop capable small trimaran the Trika 540
From the following article on the excellent smalltrimarans blog:
Trika 540 Trimaran – Light, Cartopable & Fast
The Trika 540 trimaran is designed by a fellow named Klaus Metz. Klaus serves as a European sales agent for the boatbuilding plans of American designer Dudley Dix. But he is a obviously a talented developer in his own right.
This model is going to attract lots of potential self-builders searching out plans for a light, cartopable, fast and economical boat to build. I corresponded a good bit with Klaus last week and one thing that impressed me is the ongoing thought and work he is putting into this particular boat.
As you’ll see below, it currently features a centerboard/daggerboard … but Klaus is now working on an optional leeboard, which should make it possible to builder/owners to install a Hobie Mirage Drive system underneath the center hull (if the want). There will additionally be options for a dodger and height adjustable coaming.
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Trika 540 Trimaran – Light, Cartopable & Fast
The Trika 540 trimaran is designed by a fellow named Klaus Metz. Klaus serves as a European sales agent for the boatbuilding plans of American designer Dudley Dix. But he is a obviously a talented developer in his own right.
This model is going to attract lots of potential self-builders searching out plans for a light, cartopable, fast and economical boat to build. I corresponded a good bit with Klaus last week and one thing that impressed me is the ongoing thought and work he is putting into this particular boat.
As you’ll see below, it currently features a centerboard/daggerboard … but Klaus is now working on an optional leeboard, which should make it possible to builder/owners to install a Hobie Mirage Drive system underneath the center hull (if the want). There will additionally be options for a dodger and height adjustable coaming.
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J.P. Morgan Asset Management Round the Island race UK, multihull record breakers throw down the gauntlet for new competitors
From the following article on bymnews,com
Saturday 1st June 2013 was certainly a day to remember. it was a day of highs, and more highs and, it was a day for Round the Island Race records to tumble. It was the day when Great Britain's most successful Olympic sailor and America's Cup winner, Sir Ben Ainslie, and his all-British crew aboard the AC45 J.P. Morgan BAR, trounced the existing Round the Island Race multihull record, held for 12 years by Francis Joyon, by an impressive 16 minutes. The gauntlet has been well and truly thrown down for Race Day on 21st June 2014 ...and 2.52.15 is the time to beat!
Meanwhile, Sir Ben, under the auspices of J.P. Morgan Asset Management and the Island Sailing Club, will be holding a public Q&A session on 8th January at the London Boat Show where his Race record-breaking AC45 will be on display and there will be some exciting Race news announced at 11.30am.
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It's interesting to note that the absolute record around the course is held by the MOD70 trimaran 'Foncia' with 'Oman Air-Musandam' hot on their heels but it was set during Cowes week 2012 not the Round the Island Race.
Thursday, 5 December 2013
Paris Boat Show 2013, Nautic Expo
A solid multihull contingent and many exhibitors are going to be present at the Paris Boat Show 2013 the event is going to run between the 7th and 15th of December.
Interview with Sean Langman on recent foray to New Zealand setting records and winning races (part 1)
From the following article submitted to Sail-World by John Curnow
Sean Langman has been in the marine services game for 33 years now. His Noakes brand and facilities are almost as identifiable as he is. However, it is Sean’s personal craft that have ended up with very recognisable colloquial names, which could well be the most famous of the lot. The Skiff on Steroids still garners a mention every now and then, for instance. So having smashed the record earlier this year for the run between Sydney and Hobart and then Sydney to Auckland, in a boat known as Big Bird (Team Australia), it’s certainly is time to find out what’s on the go right now.
When asked of the run to Auckland to partake in the Coastal Classic, Sean said, 'Yes it was a good tour and it definitely all fell into place for us. We gave Clouds (Roger Badham) an impossible task, again. After setting the first record, he managed to find us a window that would get us there with a week to spare to set up for the Coastal Classic, which is really what we were aiming to do.
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Sean Langman has been in the marine services game for 33 years now. His Noakes brand and facilities are almost as identifiable as he is. However, it is Sean’s personal craft that have ended up with very recognisable colloquial names, which could well be the most famous of the lot. The Skiff on Steroids still garners a mention every now and then, for instance. So having smashed the record earlier this year for the run between Sydney and Hobart and then Sydney to Auckland, in a boat known as Big Bird (Team Australia), it’s certainly is time to find out what’s on the go right now.
When asked of the run to Auckland to partake in the Coastal Classic, Sean said, 'Yes it was a good tour and it definitely all fell into place for us. We gave Clouds (Roger Badham) an impossible task, again. After setting the first record, he managed to find us a window that would get us there with a week to spare to set up for the Coastal Classic, which is really what we were aiming to do.
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Team Australia in Auckland, photo courtesy Jason Gard |
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
New collective of Ultime multihull owners (Banque Populaire, Macif and Sodebo) to organise races and pool resources
An interesting development is the recent formation of a collective of Ultime multihull owners. They are planning to organize races and pool resources to maximize the value for their sponsors and media exposure. The Banque Populaire, Macif and Sodebo teams are the foundation members of the new collective.
Here is a rough bing translate of the article:
Creation of collective Ultim
Banque Populaire, Macif and Sodebo, owners of long-standing sailing, come together to create collective Ultim. Their goal: an 80-foot multihull races over 4 years program and more, to go to touch a large audience who dreams of even ultimate extreme adventures...
With regard to their investment in sailing for many years, these three owners no longer have to demonstrate how the term commitments account for them. Their feedback, they share the same vision and believe today in the category of records hunters! So many parameters that have reconciled them since Banque Populaire, Macif and Sodebo, now wish to register in the same dynamic and congregate today to create the first collective of owners: the Ultim collective!
By this approach, they confirm their willingness to innovate, take on new challenges and build a program of races, with the objective of an adventure around the world single-handed in a multihull and in fleet as early as 2017.
This new association allows them to start a common history and also, represents a more pragmatic standpoint, the opportunity to reduce costs by pooling a number of costs, in terms of logistics and communication including.
The collective is strength!
The soul of the pioneers!
Adventure around the world to share with the largest number... on these 80-foot multihull and more, such is the leitmotiv of this commitment. Shipowners are convinced; their sailors, Armel Le Cléac ' h, François Gabart, and Thomas Coville also. Together, they are ready to meet this new challenge and to empower. They hope to shine those eyes and those who hoped for a long time the implementation of this challenge and are now convince those who want to line up alongside them to swell the ranks.
The Ultim Challenge, first edition from 2015 to 2018
Collective Ultim itself aims to work in setting up a program on 4 years, called Challenge Ultim incorporating a round the world alone and at least an intermediate race, other years. The format required for these races would be the solo or double. Join the collective for a shipowner assumes that his boat is handy unattended electrical or hydraulic and can line up at least at the start of a race per year.
Thierry Bouvard, head of the editorial programs and Sponsoring of Banque Populaire (right on the picture)
"Banque Populaire is an actor involved in sailing for more than 25 years. We have always been favourable to that large vessels participate in races, and compete with each other in a spirit of competition and sharing of emotions. We are delighted to see today the forces Federated around collective Ultim for offer to the public of the high points of sailing, adventure human as we love them so much."
Jean-Bernard Le Boucher, Program Director of Macif group offshore racing (2nd left on the picture)
"The MACIF door values of solidarity, innovation, performance and sharing. These same values animate the shipowners who founded the collective Ultim. This is a chance for MACIF to engage in this ambitious program from 2015. Our goal is to collectively push the limits of the offshore racing solo, synonymous with adventure and emotions for a wide audience."
Patricia Brochard, co-Chair of Sodebo (in the centre on the image)
"Pioneer and adventurer spirit is still responsible for the success of enterprises which, as sailors, dare or dared to embark on audacious bets." The creation of collective Ultim was born of the desire of many owners of build together a project for new challenges and share it with a wide audience. Freedom to act to create our future drives us everyday."
Armel Le Cléac ' h, skipper of Banque Populaire
"I am pleased the dynamics that is being born, which will allow these great boats of confront and thus, we offer new adventures."
François Gabart, skipper MACIF
"This is a new challenge to grow our dreams and share them with the greatest number."
Thomas Coville, Sodebo skipper
"This collective dynamics is a unique opportunity to promote the fundamental conveyed by the Offshore Racing: freedom, commitment and sharing.""
Shipowners and sailing
About Banque Populaire
In 2014, the Banque Populaire will celebrate the 25th anniversary of its commitment in the sail. The Bank of the sail is owner of multihull oceanic race since 1989, holder of the Jules Verne trophy and 7 other records in crew. Since 2004, she participated also in monohull in the Figaro circuit and since 2011 to the IMOCA circuit.
Popular Bank accompanied by the Fédération Française de Voile since 2000 and the lovers of sailing through its support to clubs and sailing schools. Regional Banques Populaires, in proximity, multiplies this action by linking local partnerships with the leagues of sailing. In engaging with the France team until the Rio Olympic Games athletes, it continues its support for a 3rd Olympiad without interruption. By renewing their agreement with the Association Eric Tabarly, the Banques Populaires engaged for 3 additional years in the restoration and promotion of the Pen Duick, bringing to 12 the number of years of patronage of the fleet.
Macif solidarity sea is more than 40 years of solidarity actions by Macif in the maritime field. First insurer to propose a contract in France, Macif boating is one of the leaders in this area with nearly 66,000 contracts in 2012. It created in 1987, Macif sailing Centre, second French sailing school in living space approved by the French Sailing Federation, which welcomes every year nearly 2,000 trainees. Macif Prevention also supports the SNSM since more than 20 years and reverse him, each year, a portion of the contract boating assessments. Through its Directorate of social responsibility of the business (CSR) and its Foundation, the Macif group is involved in environmental activities such as preservation of the coastline or the EcoNav network support. Finally, he accompanies the project sports and human talent of the offshore racing with the Skipper Macif program on the Figaro Bénéteau II circuit and the program MACIF 60', on the IMOCA circuit. More info on www.macifsolidaritemer.com
About Sodebo
The Association values strong and positive of the sail contributed to increase the notoriety of SODEBO while developing his image and his sympathy with its public capital, while bringing together the company's employees.
Fifteen years of active cross sponsoring, on different media, have offered to SODEBO brand performance, innovative, friendly and supportive.
Here is a rough bing translate of the article:
Creation of collective Ultim
Banque Populaire, Macif and Sodebo, owners of long-standing sailing, come together to create collective Ultim. Their goal: an 80-foot multihull races over 4 years program and more, to go to touch a large audience who dreams of even ultimate extreme adventures...
With regard to their investment in sailing for many years, these three owners no longer have to demonstrate how the term commitments account for them. Their feedback, they share the same vision and believe today in the category of records hunters! So many parameters that have reconciled them since Banque Populaire, Macif and Sodebo, now wish to register in the same dynamic and congregate today to create the first collective of owners: the Ultim collective!
By this approach, they confirm their willingness to innovate, take on new challenges and build a program of races, with the objective of an adventure around the world single-handed in a multihull and in fleet as early as 2017.
This new association allows them to start a common history and also, represents a more pragmatic standpoint, the opportunity to reduce costs by pooling a number of costs, in terms of logistics and communication including.
The collective is strength!
The soul of the pioneers!
Adventure around the world to share with the largest number... on these 80-foot multihull and more, such is the leitmotiv of this commitment. Shipowners are convinced; their sailors, Armel Le Cléac ' h, François Gabart, and Thomas Coville also. Together, they are ready to meet this new challenge and to empower. They hope to shine those eyes and those who hoped for a long time the implementation of this challenge and are now convince those who want to line up alongside them to swell the ranks.
The Ultim Challenge, first edition from 2015 to 2018
Collective Ultim itself aims to work in setting up a program on 4 years, called Challenge Ultim incorporating a round the world alone and at least an intermediate race, other years. The format required for these races would be the solo or double. Join the collective for a shipowner assumes that his boat is handy unattended electrical or hydraulic and can line up at least at the start of a race per year.
Thierry Bouvard, head of the editorial programs and Sponsoring of Banque Populaire (right on the picture)
"Banque Populaire is an actor involved in sailing for more than 25 years. We have always been favourable to that large vessels participate in races, and compete with each other in a spirit of competition and sharing of emotions. We are delighted to see today the forces Federated around collective Ultim for offer to the public of the high points of sailing, adventure human as we love them so much."
Jean-Bernard Le Boucher, Program Director of Macif group offshore racing (2nd left on the picture)
"The MACIF door values of solidarity, innovation, performance and sharing. These same values animate the shipowners who founded the collective Ultim. This is a chance for MACIF to engage in this ambitious program from 2015. Our goal is to collectively push the limits of the offshore racing solo, synonymous with adventure and emotions for a wide audience."
Patricia Brochard, co-Chair of Sodebo (in the centre on the image)
"Pioneer and adventurer spirit is still responsible for the success of enterprises which, as sailors, dare or dared to embark on audacious bets." The creation of collective Ultim was born of the desire of many owners of build together a project for new challenges and share it with a wide audience. Freedom to act to create our future drives us everyday."
Armel Le Cléac ' h, skipper of Banque Populaire
"I am pleased the dynamics that is being born, which will allow these great boats of confront and thus, we offer new adventures."
François Gabart, skipper MACIF
"This is a new challenge to grow our dreams and share them with the greatest number."
Thomas Coville, Sodebo skipper
"This collective dynamics is a unique opportunity to promote the fundamental conveyed by the Offshore Racing: freedom, commitment and sharing.""
Shipowners and sailing
About Banque Populaire
In 2014, the Banque Populaire will celebrate the 25th anniversary of its commitment in the sail. The Bank of the sail is owner of multihull oceanic race since 1989, holder of the Jules Verne trophy and 7 other records in crew. Since 2004, she participated also in monohull in the Figaro circuit and since 2011 to the IMOCA circuit.
Popular Bank accompanied by the Fédération Française de Voile since 2000 and the lovers of sailing through its support to clubs and sailing schools. Regional Banques Populaires, in proximity, multiplies this action by linking local partnerships with the leagues of sailing. In engaging with the France team until the Rio Olympic Games athletes, it continues its support for a 3rd Olympiad without interruption. By renewing their agreement with the Association Eric Tabarly, the Banques Populaires engaged for 3 additional years in the restoration and promotion of the Pen Duick, bringing to 12 the number of years of patronage of the fleet.
Macif solidarity sea is more than 40 years of solidarity actions by Macif in the maritime field. First insurer to propose a contract in France, Macif boating is one of the leaders in this area with nearly 66,000 contracts in 2012. It created in 1987, Macif sailing Centre, second French sailing school in living space approved by the French Sailing Federation, which welcomes every year nearly 2,000 trainees. Macif Prevention also supports the SNSM since more than 20 years and reverse him, each year, a portion of the contract boating assessments. Through its Directorate of social responsibility of the business (CSR) and its Foundation, the Macif group is involved in environmental activities such as preservation of the coastline or the EcoNav network support. Finally, he accompanies the project sports and human talent of the offshore racing with the Skipper Macif program on the Figaro Bénéteau II circuit and the program MACIF 60', on the IMOCA circuit. More info on www.macifsolidaritemer.com
About Sodebo
The Association values strong and positive of the sail contributed to increase the notoriety of SODEBO while developing his image and his sympathy with its public capital, while bringing together the company's employees.
Fifteen years of active cross sponsoring, on different media, have offered to SODEBO brand performance, innovative, friendly and supportive.
Yvan Bourgnon's circumnavigation in a beachcat attempt, Yvan now sailing solo and more than half way across the Atlantic destination Point a Pitre
The tracker is active for Yvan Bourgnon's circumnavigation attempt is active at:
here is a recent update:
here is a recent update:
35th America's Cup, Glenn Ashby re-signs with Team New Zealand
From the following article on Sail-World submitted by Richard Gladwell:
Emirates Team New Zealand's wingsail trimmer, Glenn Ashby (AUS) has announced that he will be staying with the New Zealand team for the next America's Cup.
The multiple world champion and Olympic Silver medalist was part of a four person, all Australian panel appearing at the ISAF Sailing World Cup Melbourne.
The four, Iain Jensen and Nathan Outteridge (Artemis), Ashby (Emirates Team NZ) and Tom Slingsby (Oracle Team USA) spent an hour in front of 290 guests discussing their Olympic and sailing achievements, and thoughts on the 34th and 35 America's Cup.
The event was a sell-out with a waiting list of over 200 would be guests missing out on the function.
Ashby disclosed that he had been approached by the Iain Murray led Team Australia, but that was too late, as he had already signed with Emirates Team NZ at that point.
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Emirates Team New Zealand's wingsail trimmer, Glenn Ashby (AUS) has announced that he will be staying with the New Zealand team for the next America's Cup.
The multiple world champion and Olympic Silver medalist was part of a four person, all Australian panel appearing at the ISAF Sailing World Cup Melbourne.
The four, Iain Jensen and Nathan Outteridge (Artemis), Ashby (Emirates Team NZ) and Tom Slingsby (Oracle Team USA) spent an hour in front of 290 guests discussing their Olympic and sailing achievements, and thoughts on the 34th and 35 America's Cup.
The event was a sell-out with a waiting list of over 200 would be guests missing out on the function.
Ashby disclosed that he had been approached by the Iain Murray led Team Australia, but that was too late, as he had already signed with Emirates Team NZ at that point.
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Tuesday, 3 December 2013
MOD70 update, Krys Ocean Race delayed till 2016 change of format will see the event welcome oceanic multihulls 50' and over
From the following article submitted to Sail-World by multionedesign
Due to the difficulties of mobilising the competitors in this complicated economic environment, the organiser and partners (MOD SA, Krys Group, Brest) are postponing the second edition of the Krys Ocean Race until 2016 (it was originally scheduled for May 2014) and moving to a four-year cycle, alternating with the Route du Rhum.
The conditions to guarantee an event that aims to be the first transatlantic race 100% for multihulls were not met. Supported by the race partners, the Opticians Krys and the City of Brest, and buoyed by a first successful edition in 2012, when nearly 350,000 visitors came to the race village in Brest, the organisers had ambitious goals for this second edition on both a sporting level and as mode of communication. With six months to go until the event, there was still too much uncertainty hanging over this second edition in terms of participation, particularly among the MOD70. The organisers have already initiated discussions with other multihull classes to expand the fleet and create a new event dedicated to oceanic multihulls...This will be the format for the next edition in 2016.
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Due to the difficulties of mobilising the competitors in this complicated economic environment, the organiser and partners (MOD SA, Krys Group, Brest) are postponing the second edition of the Krys Ocean Race until 2016 (it was originally scheduled for May 2014) and moving to a four-year cycle, alternating with the Route du Rhum.
The conditions to guarantee an event that aims to be the first transatlantic race 100% for multihulls were not met. Supported by the race partners, the Opticians Krys and the City of Brest, and buoyed by a first successful edition in 2012, when nearly 350,000 visitors came to the race village in Brest, the organisers had ambitious goals for this second edition on both a sporting level and as mode of communication. With six months to go until the event, there was still too much uncertainty hanging over this second edition in terms of participation, particularly among the MOD70. The organisers have already initiated discussions with other multihull classes to expand the fleet and create a new event dedicated to oceanic multihulls...This will be the format for the next edition in 2016.
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Phuket Kings Cup 2013, A leisurely start to the event
From the following article on Sail-World submitted by Guy Nowell
The Phuket High Season weather turned on the taps at last night’s Opening Party, but made up for the deluge with a clear, calm and altogether sparkling morning today. By 0800 most boats were clear of Kata Bay and heading towards their respective race areas – Course Seraph for the various Cruising and Classic classes, Course Marie G for the Racing classes.
Maybe it was Monday-morning-itis. Maybe it was just a shake-down time. Maybe it was the idyllic weather – sunshine, flat water and 12kts from the north east. But one way or another starts on both course areas were substantially delayed by shifty breeze and some errant buoyage and ground tackle.
When proceedings got under way on Course Marie G, PRO Ross Chisholm was able to fire off two back-to-back windward-leeward courses for IRC classes 0-3, the Fireflies, Sportsboats and Racing Multihulls. Settling in at around 040?, the breeze gradually died until at 1430h the decision was made not to attempt any more racing today.
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The Phuket High Season weather turned on the taps at last night’s Opening Party, but made up for the deluge with a clear, calm and altogether sparkling morning today. By 0800 most boats were clear of Kata Bay and heading towards their respective race areas – Course Seraph for the various Cruising and Classic classes, Course Marie G for the Racing classes.
Maybe it was Monday-morning-itis. Maybe it was just a shake-down time. Maybe it was the idyllic weather – sunshine, flat water and 12kts from the north east. But one way or another starts on both course areas were substantially delayed by shifty breeze and some errant buoyage and ground tackle.
When proceedings got under way on Course Marie G, PRO Ross Chisholm was able to fire off two back-to-back windward-leeward courses for IRC classes 0-3, the Fireflies, Sportsboats and Racing Multihulls. Settling in at around 040?, the breeze gradually died until at 1430h the decision was made not to attempt any more racing today.
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Monday, 2 December 2013
Phuket Kings Cup 2013, competitive multihull contingent set to compete
From the following article on Sail-World submitted by Guy Nowell
Fast forward to the Opening Ceremony, and all the right people made speeches and the 27th Phuket King’s Cup is now happening. This regatta manages to attract participants from all over – tonight we had a little drinky with Jo Aleh (Gold medallist Weymouth 2012, and ISAF/Rolex Sailor of the Year, who is sailing on Neil Pryde’s HiFi) but maybe even more importantly used to race P-Class against Jono Rankine, way back when. Dig out the family photos, chaps).
Tomorrow is another day – it’s the opening day of the Phuket King’s Cup Regatta. See you on the beach at 00 my lor’ it’s early. First start 0900. Watch this space.
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Fast forward to the Opening Ceremony, and all the right people made speeches and the 27th Phuket King’s Cup is now happening. This regatta manages to attract participants from all over – tonight we had a little drinky with Jo Aleh (Gold medallist Weymouth 2012, and ISAF/Rolex Sailor of the Year, who is sailing on Neil Pryde’s HiFi) but maybe even more importantly used to race P-Class against Jono Rankine, way back when. Dig out the family photos, chaps).
Tomorrow is another day – it’s the opening day of the Phuket King’s Cup Regatta. See you on the beach at 00 my lor’ it’s early. First start 0900. Watch this space.
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Tony Grainger designed Rocket 25' and a 42' trimaran concept
From the following article by Tony Grainger of Rocket Factory trimarans:
Rocket Factory 25 has adopted the code name of the "The Rascal". It is a concept trimaran currently in the design phase, aimed squarely at bringing the easily trailerable folding trimaran into the modern age with snappy performance and contemporary style.
The prototype is a development model with a view to becoming a production boat in the near future. It will employ the Farrier folding system for ease of trailering on and off the water. We'll be working with a range of suppliers to design and develop equipment and sytems to optimise the boat for a range of uses from family fun and cruising through to top level racing.
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Also a concept of a new 42' trimaran design with a description
Rocket Factory 42 is a Cruiser Racer in the classic sense. Currently in the concept stage, this trimaran embodies some (but not all) of the features of a cruising catamaran, while offering the agility, style and responsivene handling of a modern high performance trimaran.
Two of the features that are difficult to provide on a crusing trimaran (elegantly) are adequate shelter over the cockpit and a good storage space for the dinghy. The arch over the cockpit and companionway on the this design allows for a variety of options for covering the cockpit either permanently or with a removeable cover.
The boom is at a comfortable height for stowing and reefing the main while standing on the side deck and coaming.
At the stern a pair of davits allow the dinghy to be easily lifted and rolled on its' back in a simple continuous movement. Once the dingly is in the vertical position the lift blocks slide forward on the davits and the dinghy can be securely stowed behing the aft beam.
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Rocket Factory 25 has adopted the code name of the "The Rascal". It is a concept trimaran currently in the design phase, aimed squarely at bringing the easily trailerable folding trimaran into the modern age with snappy performance and contemporary style.
The prototype is a development model with a view to becoming a production boat in the near future. It will employ the Farrier folding system for ease of trailering on and off the water. We'll be working with a range of suppliers to design and develop equipment and sytems to optimise the boat for a range of uses from family fun and cruising through to top level racing.
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Also a concept of a new 42' trimaran design with a description
Rocket Factory 42 is a Cruiser Racer in the classic sense. Currently in the concept stage, this trimaran embodies some (but not all) of the features of a cruising catamaran, while offering the agility, style and responsivene handling of a modern high performance trimaran.
Two of the features that are difficult to provide on a crusing trimaran (elegantly) are adequate shelter over the cockpit and a good storage space for the dinghy. The arch over the cockpit and companionway on the this design allows for a variety of options for covering the cockpit either permanently or with a removeable cover.
The boom is at a comfortable height for stowing and reefing the main while standing on the side deck and coaming.
At the stern a pair of davits allow the dinghy to be easily lifted and rolled on its' back in a simple continuous movement. Once the dingly is in the vertical position the lift blocks slide forward on the davits and the dinghy can be securely stowed behing the aft beam.
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Sunday, 1 December 2013
Transat Jacques Vabre update, Epilogue inshore race Oman Air Musandam wins MOD70 division and Actual in the Multi50's
From the following article on the Transat Jacques Vabre website:
Prologue races have been part of the Transat Jacques Vabre build up in Le Havre in the past but for the first time today off Itajaí there was a postlogue for three classes, the MOD70s, Multi 50s and the IMOCA Open 60s.
It was a chance to renew friendly rivalries, take VIPs, guests – and indeed give hardworking shore crews and family and friends - out to experience racing these different craft first hand, and to let the large numbers of spectators on the shore see the different classes in action. Although the rain was a bit of a dampener, the action on the water more than compensated for the guests, who enjoyed some high speed racing in a moderate breeze.
In the MOD70 class, which sailed their full course, Oman Air Musandam, skippered by Sidney Gavignet with Ireland’s co-skipper Damian Foxall, won the match against Seb Josse and crew on Edmond de Rothschild. Their race took around 90 minutes.
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Prologue races have been part of the Transat Jacques Vabre build up in Le Havre in the past but for the first time today off Itajaí there was a postlogue for three classes, the MOD70s, Multi 50s and the IMOCA Open 60s.
It was a chance to renew friendly rivalries, take VIPs, guests – and indeed give hardworking shore crews and family and friends - out to experience racing these different craft first hand, and to let the large numbers of spectators on the shore see the different classes in action. Although the rain was a bit of a dampener, the action on the water more than compensated for the guests, who enjoyed some high speed racing in a moderate breeze.
In the MOD70 class, which sailed their full course, Oman Air Musandam, skippered by Sidney Gavignet with Ireland’s co-skipper Damian Foxall, won the match against Seb Josse and crew on Edmond de Rothschild. Their race took around 90 minutes.
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